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Bachmair, Leo
Ganzinger, Harald
2001Attachment IconResolution Theorem Proving
In: Handbook of Automated Reasoning, 19-99
Bachmair, Leo
Ganzinger, Harald
1998Equational Reasoning in Saturation-Based Theorem Proving
In: Automated Deduction: A Basis for Applications, 353-397
Basin, David A.
Constable, Robert L.
1993Metalogical Frameworks
In: Logical Environments, 1-29
Basin, David A.
Krieg-Brückner, Bernd
1999Formalization of the Development Process
In: Algebraic foundations of systems specification, 521-562
Basin, David A.
Matthews, Sean
2002Logical Frameworks
In: Handbook of Philosophical Logic, 89-164
Basin, David A.
Matthews, Seán
Viganò, Luca
1996A Topography of Labelled Modal Logics
In: Frontiers of Combining Systems (First International Workshop, Munich, March 1996), 75-92
Basin, David A.
Walsh, Toby
1996A Calculus for and Termination of Rippling
In: Automated mathematical induction, 147-180
Baumgartner, Peter
Furbach, Ulrich
2005Living Books, Automated Deduction and other Strange Things
In: Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning: Techniques, Tools and Applications - Essays in honour of Jörg H. Siekmann, 255-274
Bertling, Hubert
Ganzinger, Harald
Schäfers, Renate
Nieuwenhuis, Robert
Orejas, Fernando
1993Completion Subsystem
In: Program Development by Specification and Transformation, The PROSPECTRA Methodology, Language Family, and System, 460-494
Bockmayr, Alexander
Weispfenning, V.
2001Solving numerical constraints
In: Handbook of Automated Reasoning, 751-842
Bozzano, Marco
Delzanno, Giorgio
Martelli, Maurizio
Mascardi, Viviana
Zini, Floriano
1999Logic Programming and Multi-Agent Systems: a Synergic Combination for Applications and Semantics
In: The Logic Programming Paradigm: a 25-Year Perspective, 5-32
Eisinger, Norbert
Nonnengart, Andreas
Präcklein, Axel
In: Deduktionssysteme -- Automatisierung des logischen Denkens, 126-149
Fermüller, Christian G.
Leitsch, Alexander
Hustadt, Ullrich
Tammet, Tanel
2001Resolution Decision Procedures
In: Handbook of Automated Reasoning, 1793-1849
Ganzinger, Harald
Hustadt, Ullrich
Meyer, Christoph
Schmidt, Renate A.
2001Attachment IconA Resolution-Based Decision Procedure for Extensions of K4
In: Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 2, 225-246
Ganzinger, Harald
Stuber, Jürgen
1992Inductive theorem proving by consistency for first-order clauses
In: Informatik - Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Günter Hotz, 441-462
Hanus, Michael1992Logic Programming with Type Specifications
In: Types in Logic Programming, 91-140
Hopf, Jörn
Klawonn, Frank
1994Learning the Rule Base of a Fuzzy Controller by a Genetic Algorithm
In: Fuzzy Systems in Computer Science, 63-74
Hustadt, Ullrich1995Introducing Epistemic Operators into a Description Logic
In: Knowledge and Belief in Philosophie and Artificial Intelligence, 65-85
Iturrioz, Luisa
Sofronie-Stokkermans, Viorica
2000SHn-algebras (Symmetric Heyting algebras of order n)
In: COST Action 15 (Many-Valued Logics for Computer Science Applications) ATLAS of Many-Valued Structures, 1-11
Kraan, Ina
Basin, David A.
Bundy, Alan
1996Middle-Out Reasoning for Synthesis and Induction
In: Automated mathematical induction, 113-145
Matthews, Seán1994A Theory and its Metatheory in $FS_0$
In: What is a logical system?, 329-354
Matthews, Seán
Simpson, Alex
1996Reflection using the derivability conditions
In: Logic and Algebra, 603-616
Matthews, Seán
Smaill, Alan
Basin, David A.
1993Experience with $FS_0$ as a Framework Theory
In: Logical Environments, 61-82
Nonnengart, Andreas
Ohlbach, Hans Jürgen
1992Modal- und Temporallogik
In: Deduktionssysteme - Automatisierung des logischen Denkens, 239-284
Nonnengart, Andreas
Ohlbach, Hans Jürgen
Gabbay, Dov M.
2001Encoding two-valued non-classical logics in classic logic
In: Handbook of Automated Reasoning, 1403-1486
Nonnengart, Andreas
Szalas, Andrzej
1999A Fixpoint Approach to Second-Order Quantifier Elimination with Applications to Correspondence Theory
In: Logic at Work: Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Helena Rasiowa, 18
Nonnengart, Andreas
Weidenbach, Christoph
2001Computing small clause normal forms
In: Handbook of Automated Reasoning, 335-367
Ohlbach, Hans Jürgen
Schmidt, Renate A.
Hustadt, Ullrich
1996Translating Graded Modalities into Predicate Logic
In: Proof Theory of Modal Logic, 253-291

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